Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

Recently Created (1,421 tributes)

He was so very, very special And was so from the start We held him in our arms But mainly in our hearts And like a single drop of rain That on still waters fall His life did ripples make And touched the lives of all.
happy 1st birthday little man, mummy loves you and misses you every single day xxxxxxxx

Theo Mwale


I never cuddled, held or kissed you, but I still love you little man, sleep tight sweet angel, xx
My angel gone but never forgotten

David Baines

1986 - 1987

David you had such a short life. Send your love and strength to my Mum and Dad keep them strong. Look after them. I hope you've enjoyed playing with Floss. Has my Nan been looking after you? We all miss you so much gone but never forgotten.

Toby Marshall

2009 - 2010

This page is a tribute to a wonderfull little boy called Toby he is loved by a lot of people and missed everyday he inspired his nanny jan and bambamp to do a sponsered bungy jump for FSID I love you Toby love mummy xxxxxxxx
Our little Rose - A teeny 5lbs14oz. Mini but perfect with rosy lips and massive blue eyes,. Fate dealt us such an evil hand.. In the early hours of June 6th, whilst in the bed with me, you left us.. and we don't know why....Rose, lovely Angel, we really really miss you...we think about you every day and night.

Sabrina Gray

1990 - 1991

This is a Tribute to my Beautiful Little Girl Sabrina Gray who died at the age of 9 months she had the most fantastic smile , her big personality shone through she loved to squish her food in her fingers and thought she was funny and of course she was she loved her sister Charlene and Charlene loved her and still does losing Sabrina is the har...

Madison-Leigh Evans

2010 - 2011

In loving memory of a beautiful, little angel, Madison-Leigh Evans, loved by all who knew her, always remembered for her courageous spirit, but most of all her permanent smile she had no matter what was thrown at her.

Dylan Hewitt

1996 - 1997

Dylan you were only with us a short time, but you have left so many memories with us! Miss you more and more everyday because you should have been grown up now.

Jayden Hill

2010 - 2011

The minute i laid my eyes on you, i realised what they say is true, the love i felt from that day on, cud never fade away its to strong, at home with me is where you belong, i cant accept the fact your gone! Jay the time we had just wasnt enough, livin without you is really tough!
i think about you all the time , think of all we missed together , you would b 12 today and so much wish you could b here with us all you will always be in my heart and ill carry a part of you with me forever Penblwydd hapus cariad Mammy xxxxx
On the 22nd march 2011 3.47pm I gave birth to a beautiful little boy we named him Ashton James Rawlinson. He weighed 6lbs 10oz, he was tiny only fitted in premeture clothes. i couldnt belive that we could make something so precious. Me and my husband Danny were over the moon so happy, we was the luckiest parents.
we were blessed to be given our gorgeous baby boy Charlie for just 3 weeks and 1 day. each and every day that we had will always be remembered and every memory treasured. you will always be in our hearts son and one day we will meet again on the other side of the rainbow.
If tears could build a stairway And memories were a lane, I would walk right up to Heaven To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. My heart still aches in sadness And secret tears still flow.
Today I looked into the sky and it was beautiful. I then realised it's because you are there. You fly with the angels but part of you will always be with us!
My beautiful Grandson, was with us for just 6 weeks. You will always be loved and always remembered. Love and miss you so much.

Lyndon Birks

2009 - 2011

My gorgeous son Lyndon, taken suddenly at the age of 15months. You are the most precious person in my life and your memory will live on for as long possible. We will love you forever and miss you every day. Lots of love and kisses mummy and daddy xx In our arms for a moment....