Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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to my beautiful little boy ronnie..i am struggling without you baby..i longed for you so bad and now you are gone..still cannot believe it..i think about you every minute of every day..i hope you know i visit your little resting place every morning and night..i am always with you ronnie.

Jacob Williams

2010 - 2011


Gabriel Evans

2009 - 2010

to my beautiful little man your mummy misses you so very much,my heart hurts so much without you, why my baby?

Gabriel Evans

2009 - 2010

to my beautiful little man,mummy loves and misses you so very much every minute of every hour of every day i think about you, that big massive smile you gave me the morning before you went was so lovely if only i could see it again,if only i could hold and kiss you one last time xxx i love you so much gabe xxxxxxx
Our Darling Ginger Princess LILLYJANE TIMPERLEY was Born 06-08-2005 and Fell Asleep 12-10-2005 Gone But NEVER Forgotten We Think of her EVERYDAYand Miss & Love her More Every Day!!!!
To our beautiful Zabby, we love you and miss you baby. We pray to God that He will look after you for evermore.
You were only with us for such a short time but you filled our hearts with so much love for you. We still can't believe you were taken from us and we miss you so much. We will think of you every day until we can be with you again in heaven. Rest in peace our precious little boy.
Our angel our star You will always be and you know you are You bring a smile to our faces and a tear to our eyes Lifes full of hellos and goodbyes Full of happiness and loved by all When angels have their wings they can never fall Kieran William Shore no matter where you are You will always be our perfect angel and our little star Kieran...
our loving son who died suddenly to cot death on the 9th may 1991 peacefully in his cot surrounded by his family gone but never forgotton loved by his mummy and daddy brothers david aidan and sister abigail xxx
You never said you're leaving You never said goodbye You were gone before I knew it, And only God knew why. A million times I needed you, ......A million times I cried. If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died.

Theodore Boreland

2010 - 2011

I love you my darling baby Theo, may god look after you up there my little angel.Your were my everything and i hold a special place for you in my heart always. Daddy and I love you loads and we always will. You are with me every single day of my life.

Ella Fitzpatrick

2010 - 2011

You left us so young and I never got to meet you but you will always be in my heart and when I see a butterfly I will always think of you darling, Michele xx
we often wonder what you would look like now, would you be strong and tall like your brother Matthew, sensitive and kind like your sister Sarah, passionate and unique like your sister Helen, we will always love you and miss you

Kieana Luisi

2003 - 2005

This is my beautiful daughter Kieana Victoria , who sadly went back to the angels in the heavens above the day before her second birthday in november 2005 a day in which will never stop haunting me ...
Miss you more than words can say archie, 5 months was just not enough, i will treasure you beautiful smile, that will live with me forever.