Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

Recent Donations (1,421 tributes)

we love you loads chloe, you should be still here, the world wont be the same without out our angel beside us. if we could change anything for you to still be here and stay with us we would. we loved the 5 weeks you were with us and wish they never ended.

Ross Ingham

1990 - 1991

As time passes slowly by, not a day passes without you being in my thoughts. Your sudden loss, at such a young age is something which will stay with me for ever. Sweet dreams my dear Son, we will meet once again I am sure.
I promised you the world. Promised you I was gonna do everything I could to make you happy. I didn't, I'm sorry... You are always in my thoughts, I miss you every second of every day, I would do anything to have you back here....
We thought of you so much today, But that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, And days before that too. We think of you in silence, And we always say your name. We have our special memories And your picture in a frame. You’re always in our memories, With which you’ll never part.
I planned so much for you, had so many dreams for you. My first girl who I had wanted and prayed for for so long my world ended when you left. I couldn't stop thinking of everything I'd never get to do with for you. Put your hair up, your birthday parties, shopping trips and being friends for life.

Liam Worth


My clever.charming. spirited beautiful little boy..Liam Mark Steven Worth..I will never forget you and i love you so much..14yrs since i woke that morning and turned to see you smiling face..instead i woke up into something far worse than any nightmare..
Our beautiful funny baby boy was taken from us unexpectedly 3 days before christmas, aged just 10 weeks. There are no words that can explain the pain we feel inside. He will be greatly missed by all his family and friends. Hope he is looked after in heaven. Sleep tight my angel. We Love you and miss you lots and lots.
We are connected, My child and I, by an invisible cord, not seen by the eye. It's not like the cord that connects us 'til birth This cord can't be seen by any on Earth. This cord does its work right from the start. It binds us together, attatched to my heart.
My beautiful Son Malachi, Mummy loves & misses you always xxxxxxx

Layla Lovie

2012 - 2013

Miss you everyday Angel Face, My first grandbaba and always will be, Life is cruel to take you away after just 11 days They say things happen for a reason but we are Struggling to see any reason for you to be taken away Your mummy and daddy love and miss you so very much, horrowing and heart breaking to see them so so sad and broken.

Layla Lovie

2012 - 2013

Layla Jade Lovie my precious first grandbaba I love you so much and wish i could hold you and kiss you, i mss you so much and think about you everyday, you are my little angel face the most beautiful perfect little thing i have ever seen.
My darling baby joe, we will never understand why you were taken from us so early, we all miss you so so much. I will treasure the short time we had together and to think how lucky we were to have had you in our lives than not to have had you..

Jamie Reeve

1986 - 1987

Jamie William Eddie Reeve, You are always in my heart and thoughts, in my dreams. I love you so very much, I miss you so much. I will never forget you. I love you forever. From Your Mummy.

Robert Newsham

2011 - 2013

Not a day goes by that we dont think of you Robbie and keep asking why and what did we do for you be take from us. we keep looking at your pictures and talking to you. Courtney is still playing with your toys and asking to go to your special place.

Jack Rayson

2012 - 2013

My beautiful baby was taken away from us when he was only 3 months old, he had so much to live for, I had so many things planned for him. He was a perfect little boy, he never cried, he would just sit and smile. He loved watching his big brothers, they would play peek-a-boo with him and make him giggle.

David Baines

1986 - 1987

David you had such a short life. Send your love and strength to my Mum and Dad keep them strong. Look after them. I hope you've enjoyed playing with Floss. Has my Nan been looking after you? We all miss you so much gone but never forgotten.
My angel gone but never forgotten

Theo Mwale


I never cuddled, held or kissed you, but I still love you little man, sleep tight sweet angel, xx
happy 1st birthday little man, mummy loves you and misses you every single day xxxxxxxx