Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

Recent Donations (1,421 tributes)

He was so very, very special And was so from the start We held him in our arms But mainly in our hearts And like a single drop of rain That on still waters fall His life did ripples make And touched the lives of all.
Dedicated to the memory of little Ruari. There is not a day that doesn't go past that we don't think of you. You left your Mummy, Daddy and big brothers so suddenly, we don't know why, just 3 months old and will always be remembered as the happiest little boy.
my beautiful daughter lexie paige murgatroyd was born on the 16 th of april 2011 she is my hole world and shes made my family complete.
hi little riley poo, missing you our dear little you each day that goes by. all our memorys we have of you, amazing little boy.
Baby Eva Mclellan born sleeping on 18.07.2011 x she was 2weeks late, weighed just 6.6, light in weight, but long body, she would have defiantly have been tall. Had beautiful brown hair, was her daddy's double, absolutely gorgeous. I would do anything, anything at all, just to at least see her one more time, and heat her up with a cuddle.
On 17.05.11 Early hours in the morning, I started getting some pain, I was only 35+ weeks so I didn't think anything of it. A couple of hours later I phoned the midwife as I was getting contractions, she told me to go straight to the hospital because I was early. I was 2cm. On 18.05.11 at 10.
Dear James Its your younger brother here. I'm 21 now and doing fine. I never met you but it feels like I have. Your memory lives on through Mum and Dad and I know they still miss you loads. You have always been a part of my life through Mum and Dads memories and you always will be.

Archie Kennedy

2010 - 2011

My beautiful boy, lent not given, to bud on earth and bloom in heaven. Theres a hole in my heart that will never heal, i love you with all of my heart. One day i will be with you again, untill that day you are safe in my heart. Amazing in every way mummys little sunshine.
My darling son Andrew who died 23 years ago but who will always live on in my heart...Godbless you sweetheart until we are together again.
Archie Our Little Man xxxxxxxxx No words can describe how happy mummy,daddy and your big sister grace was when you came into the world. We was so happy that you was our little boy,it was our perfect little family.We had a precious son and daughter (and always will).You was loved so much,we thought our lives would be complete forever.
An angel wrote in the book of life our baby's date of birth then whispered as she closed the book too beautiful for earth. I love you so much, my beautiful boy you filled my heart with sunshine and joy although you could stay for too short a time i'm glad you were here and that you were mine.
Dear Koby, We miss you so much,everyone always talks about you and remembers every little thing you did that makes us laugh,every time you smiled and every time you looked so peaceful and content. You will always be our shooting star,our ray of sunshine and the reason Mummy and Daddy love each other so much. We miss you Boo.....

Paul Reidy


To our beautiful nephew, We only had 1 month to get know you but in all honesty it only took us about 2 seconds to fall in love with you! We would do anything to have you back here with us, to hug you again, kiss you again and watch you grow up.

Daniel Newton

1996 - 1997


Malachi Ortiz-Lamrani

2010 - 2011

Malachi, you touched so many peoples hearts, you brought joy and love to all your family, we will always cherish the memories we have of you, words cannot explain how much we miss you and love you. The only comfort we have from this sad tragedy is that you are now at peace.
My little boy, born sleeping. Its taken me a long time to even think about a tribute for you. You are a much loved and missed son and brother to Molly, who misses you as much as I do.
My beatiful poppet you were my world nannie an mummy misses you so so much you touched so many hearts in such a way that you could never imagine, just as im waking every morning i think of your smiling little face an thats what gets me through each day your always in ou thoughts an forever in our hearts

Georgina Lumb

1990 - 1991

You would be 21 today, i imagine you partying now with all your friends you would have had but instead you will be having your party in heaven with all your angel friends and Grandma & Grandad celebrating with you.

Lavender Harris

2010 - 2011

forever missed and loved by all.