Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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In loving memory of chelsea louise durkin on this day her birthday 31st may . You are allways in our hearts and thoughts .
The time we got to spend with you is so precious and we wont forget it we Love you forever little man & will never ever forget you, Your our special little boy and allways will be.... There was so many things we were going to do which we will do when we meet again, sleep tight untill then my baby.
gosh she would have been 3 this yr. it felt when u died time would never heal and ran really slowly the day u passed. i will never forget the morning i found u. u just looked asleep. all cold, clammy and pale. i just said to your dad was "I think she is dead.
To my gorgeous little girl, with all our love every day from your Mummy, Daddy, Big sisters Georgia and Sophie and new baby Lauren.
Nathan we all love and miss you so much.

Tyla Ford


Once upon a time Long ago An angel was born and we loved her so She could only stay for a little while but she filled our world and made us smile She spoke without words though she was small and brought us the greatest love of all Her love stays with us even after shes gone In our hearts her memory will always live on mummy and d...
Jack Denis Cutmore We will never forget you, you are always in our hearts and minds. The most beautiful angel in heaven.
17/05/08 Today has been a day of family support, working towards acceptance and closure. (Walk a mile in memory of....) .. Following our walk we tended Tommy's grave in the rain! He is happy. The gift of life The past is history, the future's a mystery today is a gift that's why it's called the present (will scan baby photos in L8r.
21 years old tomorrow - 20th May 2008. We still hold your memory in a part of our heart that will never say goodbye. 21 ballons will be sent to heaven just after midnight tonight wrapped in all our love that will never never end.

Gemma Mackintosh

1989 - 1990

This Little Angel was took from our lives But she will be in our hearts forever Sadly missed by Mum,David And Family
Our little baby who we had wanted long before we met him, rest in peace our little angel, we'll never understand why you had to leave, we'll never know why it was you and not us, we'd give our own lives to have you back. I hope you know just how very much you are loved.
Missed big brother and son. You will be in our hearts and thoughts always love you so very much....
As my twin you are always with me xxx
A cruel thing tock you our beautiful baby son, while you were peacefully sleeping. You are so missed words can not describe Stevie, but your heart still beats with ours. You are with us in every thing we do, and everywhere we go! But we will meet again one day, our paths will meet up again and you will be there waiting.......

Taylor Wells

2005 - 2006

Dear son At 10 months old you were far too young to be taken from us, but i am so happy we got to spend that precious time with you. Having you and your twin brother was one of the most happiest times ever, for both myself, your daddy and also for your big brother Lewis.
to a little angel who passed thru goodnightsweet baby love and miss you so much nanni
Samuel Marc Pegg 22.05.2001- 30-07.2001 To my darling son you are always in our hearts and our thoughts. Never a day goes by where we don't think of you or miss you.
you are a beautiful little angel who touched so many lives even though you was only with us for a short time you will never be forgotten
"There is a place above the bright blue sky where little children play"
My perfect, beautiful angel, Kira. You were in my life for such a short time and yet you brought me so much love. You, in turn, were loved dearly by me and all your family. We miss you so much and we will never forget you.
My beautiful, sweet angel, Kira. You were in my life for such a short time but you gave me so much love. You in turn were loved dearly by me and all your family. You will be sadly missed every day, and you will never be forgotten. Until we meet again...