Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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Aidan Griffiths

1997 - 1998

You are missed more than words can ever say. We will never forget you and feel that you are watching over us. We had so little time together but I will always have your first smile. You will forever be in our hearts and in the hearts of all who knew you. Love you forever.

Chantelle Murray

2002 - 2003

Angel, Chants, Chantsy, Lollipop, The beautiful names for you don't stop. You are my all, Without you I can't cope at all, I need you baby, You are my little lady, You made my life complete, You made my heartbeat. You were cheeky and wiggly, But most of all happy and giggly. I love you so much, I can't bear not to touch.
its been 8 years since you fell asleep, your still missed very much , I wonder about all the trouble we could of got ourselves into, climbing tree's swimming in river's and the fun we could of been having camping in the woods or on the moors .. But I still stand by, you gave us so much in so little time mummy................
baby boy there isnt a day when your not missed each day gets harder we still all think of you with your photos near by we will never forget you always in our heart

Arsalan Soobrayen

1999 - 2000

Even tho its bin so long, my love for you still goes on, i no we will meet again one day. Its so hard to think of what mite ave been and looking at ur twin brother doesnt help cos it makes me wonder if you wud ave been into the same things.
years dont lesson the pain nor do they ease the anger. every year i die some more yet love you even deeper. i will never love you less and i never had another so my special boy that will never change. one day i will be with you again wait for me darling and i will hold you tight.

Tianee Kew


you lit up our lives and you will continue to do so. we love you now and for always. sleep tight our little angel.

Anna Ryan


We remember you always sweet Anna ;) no matter how far away we are? we always remember you on your special day! 18th August 1993 the day you were born sweetness ;) and then the day you were taken away to gods garden on the 9th November 1993.......

Mia Conley


my little angel mia was born 13/03/06 and fell asleep never to wake on the 31/08/06 our little girl who we miss so much and will never know why she was taken from us we love and miss u our little angel love mummy daddy james joe and your little sis tia xxxx sleeptight our little girl xxx
It's been one month and still the pain won't go away. I know now that it never will. This poem is dedicated to you. Although I did not write it, it expresses so well how I feel. I love you and forever will. Manman To live and believe is also to accept that life includes death And that death includes life.

Matthew Smart

2007 - 2008

Our beautiful little boy who fell asleep 30th July 2008. We only had 8 short months with you but your memory will stay with us forever. You are the brightest star in the sky, look after your big sister Abigail, she misses you so much. Every night she blows a big kiss up to you in heaven adn wont go to bed until she sees Matthews star.
my baby boy you were taken away to soon i no they must of needed a beautyfull boy but mummy so lost with out you its not goodbye but see you soon because i hope and pray one day i will feel you in my arms again love you thomas your big sis always asks for you so i said you the star in the sky and the angel in our dreams having you for 11 weeks a...
Your were a little angel sent to me for such a short time, but everyday i spent with you was as precious as you. You are in my heart and my thoughts every second of everyday. You have a little sister now, who i wish you were here to see and play with.
our beautiful little princess reanne you are our little angle from above which we miss and love so much theres not one day that gose by when your daddy and i dont think about you.

Micheal Sharp

1975 - 1976

Lee, I miss you as much today, as I did when you went away. Although the years go by so fast, the memory of you will always last. My darling Lee so pale and pure, why god took you I'll never know. I'll see you up in heaven one day, but for now on earth I stay.

Lilly-Jane Timperley

2005 - 2008

In Memory of Lilly-Jane Timperley "Our Ginger Princess" Born 06/08/2005 fell asleep 12/10/2005

David Levene

1985 - 2008 were my first ,wonderful baby.You have 2 sisters and a brother who- although they never knew you/love you just the same as do would be 23 now..and I think about you every day..Time heals but you will never be forgotten..I love you...
A bouquet of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears Wishing God could have spared you Just for a few more years. Nicola i miss you so much and i always will love you with all my heart...i am always thinking of you...i would do anything t have you back...your memory will always live on....
If only they'd of payed attention and listened to us when we was telling them you were poorly, you could still be here now. no matter what they say we will fight for and all the other babies your playing with who have died for no reason. We love and miss you terribly!! sleep tight little man!