Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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Debbie Banyai

1978 - 1979

In loving memory - although we never met I know you always watch over me.
The angels above hold my baby tight as they sit and watch everydays sunlight not a day goes passed that your not missed your one of lifes most precious gifts to come in to our world and to be taken out so soon we love and miss you forever little man love mummy, daddy, brothers and sisters and all that love you xxx

Kirsty Bonser

1983 - 1984

My darling daughter who would have been 25 today I cannot believe how many years it is since I held you. You would have been a young woman now possibly with a family of your own My heartache and sadness never goes away. I think of all the special days we should have had together.

Luaana Rankine

2004 - 2005

You would have been 4 years old tomorrow the 19th December. How I wish that you where here to celebrate. I miss and love you so much, even after all this time. I can still see your dimples when you smiled. Your brother and sisters miss you too. You have a new little sister who looks like you.

Rye Cooper


Our gorgeus baby boy. Always loved and never forgotten. Thank you for the nine precious weeks we had with you, but our heartache and sadness willl never fade. Mummy and Daddy miss you more than you could ever know, and Nikita misses her little brother.

Katie Griffiths

1975 - 1976

Your birthday is a special time to hold you in my heart and send you all my love.I miss you every day that I live and always will. You have left behind a beautiful family baby Katie. One day, together but until then I trust you to Grandma and Grampa's special care.

Joab Cane

2007 - 2008

words are few but thoughts are deep memories of you I will always keep x Miss you so much and love you always Mummy
We were so overjoyed when you came into the world, as you made our family feel so complete. Your arrival brought us such extraordinary pleasure, and you were such a happy and contented baby. We thought ourselves so lucky and that our happiness would last forever – but we were wrong. We loved you so, so much.

Kieran Vale

1986 - 1987

you fell asleep little man on the 18th March 1987, never will you be forgotten. you are always at my side. Your three brothers and three sisters don't know how lucky they are to have a big brother like you would of been like. I still remember that fateful day like it was yesterday.

Ashley Foy


Forever loved and missed Ashley... as evening falls and days start anew, I am forever thinking of you.. my little man...
to my darling baby boy sam you was only here for a short time i remember when you was born you were my heaviest baby but hardly cried for anything i loved your eyes and the way you smiled at me when i was talking to you i didnt mind if you pulled my hair or how you looked at me when i was telling you my problems you was only here for 2 mon...
To all the parents and families that have lost their babies to SIDS, God Bless us all! The pain we suffer is something that no one should ever experience. I can only wish, that in time, we can all put our terrible losses in its proper order. I for one, is still having a difficult time. I feel as if a part of me died, and I suppose, it did.

Daniel Smith

2005 - 2006

Our shining light our little angel playing with God's chosen ones in his playground above.

Kyle Wilcox

2003 - 2004

My precious angel.I loved you so much you were my whole world and one day you were gone...And I was left hurting and empty with a big hole in my heart that will never be filled.Everyday I think of you and it still hurts.I would give anything to hold you one last time.To kiss you and cuddle you one last time.
Dearest baby Harriet, We learn to live our lives without you, but you will always be in our hearts. We would have just celebrated your 21st birthday, what a wonderful celebration the family would have had. Instead I shed another tear for you as another year passes.
missing you every day there isnt at day goes by that i dont think about you and wonder what you would be like now you are allways in our thought and forever in our hearts we all love you so much lots of love and kisses mum thomas sam ryan rebeka and callum x x x x x x

Chri Kay


Your place of rest i visit i keep it nice and clean, i talk to you in my head and remember you in my dreams. love you always son lots of love kisses and cuddles sent up above to you my son christopher .
Charles was our second son a brother to Jamie and loved so very much. His farther and I put him to bed as usual but we thought he was sleeping longer now he was three months old. To our horror and despair he wasn’t sleeping he has passed away in the night and we were told latter it was a cot death.

Zacary Dunne

2006 - 2007

Our perfect and beautiful little boy..