Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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Sophia Mcgregor

2008 - 2009

Mummy, Daddy and Alastair love you so much. You are always going to be in our hearts and in our lives.

Abbey Holden

1992 - 1993

To my beautiful little sister, you wer only with me for 2 short months but i want to say i love you and miss you very much. you will be 17 soon and i always imagine what you would b like now if you were still with us.

Hayley Bonfield

1988 - 1989

We will miss you every day .

Paul Mckay


Our Little Fighter Taken From Us So Suddenly On 1sy July 2009 Our Hearts Will Never Heal We Can Only Dream Of The Day We Hold You In Our Arms Again You Were A Flower Sent From God To Bud On Earth But To Bloom In Heaven You May Be Gone But You Will Never Ever Be Forgotten Sleept Tight And Play With The Angels Until We Meet Again xxxx
to my darling steven it still feels like yesterday that i lost you, i miss you so much, epsically when it is your birthday, your brothers paul n brian and your sister mary-jane, know all about you.....
The poem your Auntie Chelle mad when u passed away I gave you my love, You can only guess How much you filled my heart with happiness I thank you both for the love you have shown. But now its time i went on alone.

Hartley Romany Hurst

2008 - 2009

this page is in memory of our baby girl Hartley Romany, who passed away due to SIDS in febuary of this year, theres not a day goes by we dont feel empty and hollow. we miss her so much, although she was only with us for a short time, we're left with a lifetime of beautiful memories of our darling smiling and coo-ing back at mummy and daddy.

Harley Carpenter

2008 - 2009

my goregous baby boy harley, mummy and daddy miss you so intensley and will always love you i always have and i always will from the moment you were born till the day i see you again.
i miss you everyday...and wish i could do anything to have you back in my arms again! ronnie picks you out of every photo and says your name and makes me gutted how you could not grow up together how me and your daddy wanted.
Danielle Lousie Evans was my third child - but she gave me a special gift, she was the first one I actually held as soon as she was born. That was a wonderful precious gift. She laid there in my arms looking so beautful with a head full of hair that looked black but was actually thick dark red, just like mine.

Stephen Skinner

1981 - 1982

In our hearts and thoughts forever.
baby charlie 6 months have passed since that dreadful day i think of you constantly my sweet little angel An Angel Took My Angel Come, oh little one, Let's float into the sky. But what about my mummy? Please let me say goodbye. I'll cry and she will awake For I'm not for you to take. But little one, she shall not hear.
Jaydon was 1 of a twin we lost his twin sister before they were born but then to lose someone as special as my Jaydon at only 12weeks old was the end of my life and still now i want to cuddle him and make sure he is safe but i cant and its been nearly 2yrs now and i still hurt. i miss him so much and all i want is my little boy back.

Thierry Allman

2006 - 2007

not a day goes by when we do not think of you although you were here for just 6 months it felt like a life time .life seems to have stood still since your death and i can't ever imagine our family being the same again . I hope that i will one day come face to face with you again for all those unanwsered question's we all have .
Goodbye My Angel In memory of Ricky Lee Phelps Dear Little Angel You went to bed on Sunday and never woke up on Monday You closed your eyes and in the night,Jesus came for you We only had you a very short time,but in our memories that is a life time We will always love you We will never forget you You are in our hearts forever We will s...
John-Paul was my 6th child, he has 4 brothers and 1 sister. He died very suddenly on 27th October 1989 aged just 14 weeks.

Cameron Mcgann

1992 - 1993

Today you would be 17 years old and not a day goes by where I do not wonder what you would be doing now. Happy Birthday darling Cameron, my blue eyed blonde little angel. 17 years ago you were born at 6.20pm, my special first born. Shocked you were a boy both me and Daddy loved you as soon as our eyes looked into yours.
Joshua was a happy, funny little boy who always had us laughing! He loved chocolate and Thomas the tank engine and his Tiger rocker.
You are always in my heart son day after day. I miss you so much.
Such a beautiful little boy - so alert! You spent your first 8 days in hospital because you were 3 weeks eager to come into this world. In your short life, you achieved so much, little one. Re-united your Daddy's family. There was a reason for your being here...and a reason for your death.

Ava Parr


My baby girl - words do not exsist that could ever express how proud i am to be your mummy or how much i Love and adore you. The four months we had with you (plus the time in Mummy's tummy) will forever be the best time of our lives.
For one so little you gave us so much. Thank you darling for being part of our lives. This is our story... Keaton was born a healthy baby boy to a loving mom, dad and sister who all adored him. He was exclusively breastfed and in the words of our Health Visitor (HV) ‘continued to thrive’.