Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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Kai was such a cutie, a real little star.He had such vibrant spikey hair and such beautiful big eyes. In his short life with us he gave us so much happiness. He will always be in my heart and mind forever. When I found him on the 5th Sept, lifeless and pale, I just knew he was gone. Part of my heart was lost forever.
my lovely little angel sleeping peacefully u we alwyas be thought about every day we miss you millions and we will remember the short time u was here was the most precious time i could have wished for. Ur lovely little brother always sings twinkle twinkle little star to you and will always remeber you. love ya lots little sweetheart.
We miss you our little angel but a new star shines in the sky now our little darling.
My Sleeping Prince Alfie was born on the 8th may 2009 he was born at 28 weeks and weighed 2 pound 4 he was a fighter from the start did not need tubing just a tiny bit of help with his breathing He showed everyone how strong he was. we brought him home after many stuggles from hospital at a healthy 4 pound 6.
kirstie-maria now a precious little angel r.i.

Stanley Bury

2008 - 2009

For our little man Stanley, when you arrived into this world on that cold December morning we had the perfect family with you and Oliver. Our lives were complete and we had never been happier. We named you "the poo monster" because you did so many dirty nappies. You were a good baby and hardly ever cried, you fit into the family so easily.

Toby Moody

2007 - 2009

Our lives are now so empty without our little toby, he was such a ray of light, an angel in disguise, we love and miss you so so much, you will never be forgotton, your in our thoughts and hearts always little boy...

Dylan Tate

2008 - 2009

Take from me too soon Missing you my beautiful big eyed boy Sending you all my love xxxxxxx
Thinking of you dear grandson every second of every minute of every hour on this special day of remembrance. At the hospital Harvey stayed with us At home Harvey was a part of the family with us When this painful day is over Harvey will still come home with us.
always in my thoughts my first and only son.
We miss you so much and think about you everyday. The memories of our time spent together will only enrich our lives and you will be forever missed. You were truly amazing and I feel privilaged to be your dad. We love you so much xxxxxxxxx Daddy, Mummy and your brothers Stanley and Frankie.
we will never forget u reece u are always in our thoughts ur 2 brothers will always no about u and wat a honor it was 2 have a very spiecal boy in our lives when my time is up were u are thats were we will go i love and miss u so very much sleep tight baby boy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love and miss you Jamie, even though you would be 22 years old now. I still think of every day, and look at your photo.
my beautiful little girl jade that died suddenly but now at peace we all love u love mum chloe caitlin aimee and emily-grace xxx

Ciara Montgomery

2001 - 2002

The words i write are simple.The words i write are plain,but no words were ever written to describe this aching pain. You are always in our thoughts in everything we do and not one day goes by that we dont think of you. 8 years old you would have been what i would do to see you my sweetheart. Keep us all safe lots of love and kisses mummy,daddy.
We never got to meet and know each other.I was so looking forward to being the great-uncle;you being the gorgeous grand-nephew.playing with cars and the likes,i even bought you a mini-cooper toy-car(can you believe it).i heard you were a bubbly,gorgeous little prince,and everybody was crazy about you.

Ben Cooney


My little Pee wee, I love you so much. You are so perfect and such a strong little character even though you were here for just 20 days. I'm so glad I cherished every moment I had with you. I have never been so happy in my life as I was in those 20 days. I'm so glad I had the chance to have you for that short time.

Finlleigh Hearn

2008 - 2009

we all miss you so much and always will you are always in our thoughts, we miss you more with every passing day, still don't understand why you had to go away, all our love and kisses from mummy, marshall, amellia, mellody, and lochllaine xxxxxxxxxx