Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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Mia Horsfield

2011 - 2012

Mia moo mummy daddy and big sis Katie love and miss you loads and loads.

Corey-Jake Needham

2010 - 2012

The day you were born: 8.9.10. I was in my P.E lesson at school. And I got a note, telling me to go to reception as your great aunt judy was there to pick me up. I got in the car and was told you'd be born. Your mummy had been in labour for a week, the doctors and nurses did all they could to make sure you stayed inside your mummy.
In Memory of my Beautiful Son James. Who was so cruelly taken from me.

Elijah Furey

2011 - 2012

I couldn't of asked for anything better than him he was my best friend and my heart. R.I.
the most perfect addition to our family wanted so much and taken so soon. loved forever. only 6 weeks old. i will never understand why you had to go. i love you so much i long to hold you in my arms. i will be with you again one day my angel.

Max Oldham



Dylan Leach

2007 - 2009

My gorgeous baby boy taken far too soon. I loved you then and I still love you now and always will forever. I miss you so much little man and I think about you every second of every day.

Imie-Lee Bicknell

2011 - 2012

always on our minds forever in our hearts missing you more and more everyday , cant wait to be with you again goodnight sleep tight see you in the morning xx
Words can't describe the hurt and sadness your passing caused me your mummy n ur daddy and your big sis Kariss, All your family,friends and anyone who had th pleasure to met you!
Charlotte Marie you were the best thing that happened to me and ur mommy u will always be in our hearts no matter what happens we love you so much and miss you xxx

Thomas Bowie

2010 - 2012

Tom was a smiley little boy, always full of laughter and smiles who passed away at 20 months old. We will ever ask why. You touched so many lives, and will be missed forever. How we long to cuddle you and tickle you and "come and get you" again.

Harry Wood


Love you lots and will miss you always, Night night little man, Mummy & Daddy x

Johnny Mann

2010 - 2012

Johnny I will always love you and you will never ever be forgotten.

Casey Mackay Mowles

2011 - 2012

My little angel how i miss you so much , you will always be in my heart and you are always in my thoughts.

Caleb Hood

2011 - 2012

a special little prince was taken so soon he has a smile that melt your heart and a laugh what i just said aww to i miss him everyday and always will he will always be remembered by all his family and mostly by his mummy daddy and big brother coby sweet dreams little angel love you more then words can describe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
I know we cant see you, you’re all tucked up away. So close to Christmas was your final day. Each one of us play a special role, we will guide you and love you, A hand to hold. You were our gift, sent from angels above, We cant wait to see you again our baby bundle of love. How would we know, how much our angel has grown?

Thea Douglas

2011 - 2012 are a beautiful, lovely little angel, perfect in every way, we were blessed with holding you for three wonderful months but one peaceful night when the snow lied crisp outside your window you fell asleep and went to join the other angels in heaven.
To my beautful little angel Aaliyah - who fell asleep 21st January 2011 aged just 22 months. Miss you every moment of every day.