Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

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In my heart every minute of every day big sister to both Liam and Conor we all love and miss you xxx
Our beautiful baby girl taken so soon. We miss you every day, all our love Mummy, Daddy and your big brother William.

Taylor West

2011 - 2012

My child....
"You were taken on angels wings, As you sweetly & quietly slept. And returned to heaven before we knew, That you had even left. Our hearts are heavy & sorrowed, That our time with you was so brief. For you were our gift of heavens light, That is now replaced with grief. But not so much that we wont be greatful, For every second you were here.

Curtis Watts

2005 - 2006

My son Curtis was the most happiest chunkier baby I have ever held in my arms, since he left them at 13weeks old we have never felt the same, when I gave birth to Curtis on bonfire night it was one of the happiest moments in my life I could hear or the fireworks out the window and couldn't wait to take him home, knowing each year he would have f...
In memory of my angel.

Joshua Bolton

2003 - 2004

What can i say about our little boy? He wasn`t with us for long but we had a wonderful time with him. Josh was my sunshine man and a little spud as we all called him. Every morning we would be woken up to his laughter. Mike would get up and say good morning.

Scarlett Bowers

2012 - 2013

hello nanny's babygirl.Just wanted to let you know that there's not a day go by without me thinking of you.Thinking what you would look like,who you'd look like,how many teeth you would have,if you'd be crawling.Always in my thoughts.
my little brother was such a special little man. he was 12 weeks old when he died, and he meant the world to me. people say stuff and give me shit because of him, but hes so worth it. i love this little boy with all my heart, and i would do anything to have him here today.
Our beautiful baby girl taken to soon. We miss you every day, we know your safe and being looked after up in heaven.
Our most perfect, beautiful baby boy whom we loved very much has been taken from us far too soon. We love you Cameron and miss you so much already.
I Miss You More And More Everyday My Liddle Dude Not A Day Goes By That I Dont Think About You Forever&Always xxxxx

Rocco Pink

2012 - 2013

Our beautiful boy was taken away too soon...Rocco William pink was the bright light in our lives..beautiful baby boy for his mummy and daddy and lovely brother for his sister LIly-grace. Our hearts our empty just so full of beautiful memories of you..
My sweet little boy I love you so much , words don't seem to do you justice you are perfect in every way and we shared every day with each other I feel empty with out you. Your brothers and daddy miss you very much and cassie would have loved to meet you, she stares at your pictures all the time I always tell her about you.

Izaak Larvan

2012 - 2013

Our precious little tiger Izaak was taken from us aged just 24 days. In those short days we all had together we have enough memories to last us a life time. You have well and truly left a smile with all who had the pleasure to meet you little man. We will be reunited again one day and be the perfect little family once again.
I miss you every day
In memory of our precious little boy, George-Mason Danny Heath-Stubbs He brightened up a room with his smile. He's favourite song was You Are My Sunshine, which I used to sing to him every night to get him to sleep, it worked every time. He is deeply missed by me , his dad , his brother and sisters and the rest of our family.
Tiny feet with tiny toes A beautiful face with a tiny nose Now a twinkling star shining bright Forever at peace in eternal light love Mummy & Daddy xxx mummy and daddy miss you and your huge cheeky smile!
Always missed and in our thoughts. With us only 2 short months but left a lasting impression.
She was my little angel who was with us for only a short time but we loved her , she was our first daughter and now she is in heaven and not forgotten and still loved.

Maison Amison

2012 - 2013

Maison your such a beautiful boy. We all love you so much and miss you every day. We miss your smile, your laugh, your floppy hair, your beautiful big brown eyes, the way you ate anything put in front you. Everything about you. The 7 months with you were the best 7 months we ever had and ever will.