Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden

The Lullaby Trust Remembrance Garden is dedicated to babies and toddlers who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Please do show your support through messages and donations as a positive and lasting way to remember and to help support the work of our charity.

Recent Donations (1,421 tributes)

Charlie Flett

2009 - 2010

Charlie didnt die unexectedly but he did die suddenly. He was our pecious little boy, When i was pregnant we found out that charlie was very poorly. I went into labour at 30 weeks on the 11th january 2009 and our little man was rushed to neonatal intensive care (the only place he knew as home).
In memory of a beautiful baby, cherished daughter and sister.Cruelly taken away less than 6 weeks old.

Harry Phoenix

2011 - 2012

Harry is my 4th child, and my husbands 1st we where blessed with him after IVF failed and a reversal, he filled our families hearts with love and joy. also deeply loved and missed by big brother Perry, and sisters Ellie and Cherie. Took away by the angels at 12 weeks and 6 days.
I remember it like it was yesterday, 29th october 2010 my beautiful niece was born into this cruel world. She made our lives and our family complete. 16 days later, on her due date I was ready to go and meet for the first time, but sadly I never got the chance.
Our darling boy Harry who was taken from us at just 10 days old. Life is so hard without you my love, Molly talks about you every day, she would have been an amazing sister just as you would have been an amazing brother. We look towards the stars and see you, and whilst we are happy that you are at peace, we miss you with every breath.

Aynsley Hitchcock

1992 - 1993

not a day goes by when i dont think about you, i miss you so very much, tomorrow you will be 20yrs. a grown man, you are still my little baby i love you so much..
we all love and miss you our baby girl sleep tight always love you mummy daddy josh ally jed alex kiahxxxxxxxxx
Miss you so much Harley.

Xavier Greaves

1997 - 1998

Wish you didn't have to leave us so soon :( you were only with us for 33 short days your death was such a shock to us all! Love you forever.

Alexia Chadwick

2002 - 2003

This year you would have been 10years old. Today at 6months and 3 days old, whilst in my care, your Grandma, you decided it was time to go. Lex although your light only shined for such a very short time, there is not a day that passes that you are not in our thoughts.
brandon me and dada miss you so much. we tried for you for ages so when we got to have you it was the best ever. we only got to have you for 5 and a half months. you had just started doing stuff a couple of days before you died like rolling over, holding your own bottle and drinking juice because up until then you would only drink milk.
our sholey woley xx
To my beautful little angel Aaliyah - who fell asleep 21st January 2011 aged just 22 months. Miss you every moment of every day.

Thea Douglas

2011 - 2012 are a beautiful, lovely little angel, perfect in every way, we were blessed with holding you for three wonderful months but one peaceful night when the snow lied crisp outside your window you fell asleep and went to join the other angels in heaven.
I know we cant see you, you’re all tucked up away. So close to Christmas was your final day. Each one of us play a special role, we will guide you and love you, A hand to hold. You were our gift, sent from angels above, We cant wait to see you again our baby bundle of love. How would we know, how much our angel has grown?

Caleb Hood

2011 - 2012

a special little prince was taken so soon he has a smile that melt your heart and a laugh what i just said aww to i miss him everyday and always will he will always be remembered by all his family and mostly by his mummy daddy and big brother coby sweet dreams little angel love you more then words can describe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

Johnny Mann

2010 - 2012

Johnny I will always love you and you will never ever be forgotten.

Casey Mackay Mowles

2011 - 2012

My little angel how i miss you so much , you will always be in my heart and you are always in my thoughts.

Thomas Bowie

2010 - 2012

Tom was a smiley little boy, always full of laughter and smiles who passed away at 20 months old. We will ever ask why. You touched so many lives, and will be missed forever. How we long to cuddle you and tickle you and "come and get you" again.
reece stead was born in greenwich,london on May 03, 1995. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his friends and family.